Live virtual transmission system, wooden elephant, Daniel print, text, Elephanta account book in a Museum Vitrine etc.
Model elephant: 153cm X223cmX 123cm
Object of the experiment: To prove the existence of a “5th dimension”.
Requirements: Live virtual translation/transmission system, Elephanta documentation, model elephant that needs completion.
Hypothesis: If an object of art is “museumized”, that creates a fifth dimension; which is a further addition to Einstein’s 4 dimensions (time-space).
General Background: The stone Elephant at the entrance to Rajabunder Jetty at Elephanta Island is believed to belong to 540 AD. In 1864, The British attempted to carry the elephant from which the island derives its European name , back to England. During this attempt, crane crashed and the elephant was shattered in to several pieces. The fragments were brought to the VA (BDL) and were reintegrated by Sir George Birdwood, the then curator of the Victoria &Albert (BDL museum)
Independent Variable: Daniel print (a pictorial reference material).
Dependent Variable: Existing restored museum elephant near the entrance.
Procedure: An incomplete model of an elephant like animal body is provided to work on. There are a number of wood blocks that seems to be part of the model elephant. The investigator (viewer) can use these blocks to re-construct the Elephant.
Conclusion and Evaluation: Data gathered during the experiment proves the existence of power and possession and this in the context of a museum conclusively proves the existence of a “fifth dimension”.
QED (quod erat demonstrandum).