The Threshold; Tallur L.N.

May 7th to 28th June, 2015

Opening reception  7th May 2015, 5pm.

Arario Gallery

# 84 Bukchon-ro 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea

서울특별시 종로구 북촌로5길 84 (110-200)

T +82 2 541 5701 F +82 2 541 5704

Tuesday-Sunday : 10am – 7pm

 The Threshold

yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya

glaanirbhavati bhaarata.

Abhyutthaanam.h adharmasya

tadaatmaanM sRRijaamyaham.h..                                          

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter IV, Verse 7.


It is Faith which teaches renunciation and is responsible for the elevation and well-being of human beings. Whenever in the passage of time,  Faith is weakened or is under attack,  – and whenever wickedness spreads without control – it is then that I re-incarnate myself with all my powers to restore Faith.



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